Head to Head - Bramley vs. Hull FC


Overall (1896-1987)

Bramley Matches: 155 Hull FC
38 Won 114
32 Home Wins 69
6 Away Wins 44
- Neutral Wins 1
3 Longest Win Streak 20
1297 Points 2935

Bramley Home Matches (1896-1987)

Bramley Matches: 79 Hull FC
32 Won 45
5 Longest Win Streak 9
743 Points 946

Hull Home Matches (1897-1986)

Bramley Matches: 76 Hull FC
6 Won 69
- Longest Win Streak 22
554 Points 1989

Played at Barley Mow (1897-1964)

Bramley Matches: 62 Hull FC
23 Won 37
5 Longest Win Streak 8
572 Points 727

Played at McLaren Field (1966-1987)

Bramley Matches: 14 Hull FC
7 Won 7
5 Longest Win Streak 3
157 Points 186

Played at The Boulevard (1897-1986)

Bramley Matches: 76 Hull FC
6 Won 69
- Longest Win Streak 22
554 Points 1989