Head to Head - Featherstone Rovers vs. Oldham


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 68 points Featherstone 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 55 points Featherstone 27/06/1999 - Featherstone 61 - Oldham 6
3. 38 points Featherstone 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
38 points Featherstone 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
5. 35 points Featherstone 26/03/2000 - Featherstone 61 - Oldham 26
6. 32 points Oldham 02/07/2000 - Oldham 32 - Featherstone 0
7. 26 points Oldham 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
8. 20 points Featherstone 02/10/1992 - Oldham 4 - Featherstone 24
9. 18 points Oldham 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
18 points Featherstone 09/07/2017 - Oldham 14 - Featherstone 32

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 68 points Featherstone 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 61 points Featherstone 27/06/1999 - Featherstone 61 - Oldham 6
61 points Featherstone 26/03/2000 - Featherstone 61 - Oldham 26
4. 52 points Featherstone 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
5. 50 points Oldham 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
6. 48 points Featherstone 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
7. 38 points Oldham 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
8. 35 points Oldham 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24
35 points Featherstone 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
10. 33 points Featherstone 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 12 tries Featherstone 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 10 tries Featherstone 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
3. 9 tries Oldham 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
9 tries Featherstone 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
5. 6 tries Oldham 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24
6 tries Oldham 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
7. 5 tries Featherstone 13/12/1992 - Featherstone 24 - Oldham 20
5 tries Featherstone 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
5 tries Featherstone 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
5 tries Oldham 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
5 tries Featherstone 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33
5 tries Oldham 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 10 goals Featherstone 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 7 goals Oldham 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
7 goals Featherstone 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
7 goals Oldham 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
5. 6 goals Featherstone 02/10/1992 - Oldham 4 - Featherstone 24
6 goals Featherstone 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
6 goals Oldham 14/03/1993 - Oldham 24 - Featherstone 22
6 goals Featherstone 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33
6 goals Featherstone 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
10. 5 goals Oldham 24/03/2002 - Oldham 23 - Featherstone 12
5 goals Oldham 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 24 points Dane Chisholm (Featherstone) 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 18 points Marty Turner (Oldham) 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
3. 16 points Martin Pearson (Featherstone) 02/10/1992 - Oldham 4 - Featherstone 24
16 points James Bunyan (Oldham) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
5. 14 points Lee Marsh (Oldham) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
14 points Stuart Dickens (Featherstone) 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
7. 12 points Paul Newlove (Featherstone) 13/12/1992 - Featherstone 24 - Oldham 20
12 points Francis Maloney (Featherstone) 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
12 points Martin Strett (Oldham) 14/03/1993 - Oldham 24 - Featherstone 22
12 points Marty Turner (Oldham) 28/03/2005 - Featherstone 20 - Oldham 20
12 points Brett Ferres (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 tries James Bunyan (Oldham) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
2. 3 tries Paul Newlove (Featherstone) 13/12/1992 - Featherstone 24 - Oldham 20
3. 2 tries Iva Ropati (Oldham) 13/12/1992 - Featherstone 24 - Oldham 20
2 tries Owen Simpson (Featherstone) 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
2 tries Paul Newlove (Featherstone) 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
2 tries Iva Ropati (Oldham) 14/03/1993 - Oldham 24 - Featherstone 22
2 tries Lee Doran (Oldham) 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24
2 tries Neil Roden (Oldham) 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24
2 tries Gavin Dodd (Oldham) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
2 tries Johnny Presley (Featherstone) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
2 tries Gavin Dodd (Oldham) 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
2 tries Neil Lowe (Featherstone) 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
2 tries Jack Bussey (Featherstone) 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2 tries Craig Hall (Featherstone) 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2 tries Dean Parata (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
2 tries Alex Walker (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
2 tries Brett Ferres (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
2 tries Craig Kopczak (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 10 goals Dane Chisholm (Featherstone) 17/05/2021 - Featherstone 68 - Oldham 0
2. 7 goals Lee Marsh (Oldham) 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
7 goals Stuart Dickens (Featherstone) 05/09/2004 - Featherstone 35 - Oldham 26
7 goals Marty Turner (Oldham) 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
5. 6 goals Martin Pearson (Featherstone) 02/10/1992 - Oldham 4 - Featherstone 24
6 goals Martin Strett (Oldham) 14/03/1993 - Oldham 24 - Featherstone 22
7. 5 goals John Braddish (Oldham) 24/03/2002 - Oldham 23 - Featherstone 12
5 goals Simon Svabic (Oldham) 13/07/2003 - Oldham 35 - Featherstone 24
9. 4 goals Francis Maloney (Featherstone) 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
4 goals Jamie Rooney (Featherstone) 24/03/2002 - Oldham 23 - Featherstone 12
4 goals Jon Roper (Oldham) 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33
4 goals Maxime Grésèque (Featherstone) 19/09/2004 - Oldham 28 - Featherstone 33
4 goals Marty Turner (Oldham) 28/03/2005 - Featherstone 20 - Oldham 20
4 goals Liam Finn (Featherstone) 03/07/2005 - Oldham 38 - Featherstone 20
4 goals Dane Chisholm (Featherstone) 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48

Longest Streaks

Longest winning streak

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 games Featherstone 28/02/1988 - Oldham 15 - Featherstone 18 to 07/02/1993 - Featherstone 52 - Oldham 14
4 games Oldham 24/03/2002 - Oldham 23 - Featherstone 12 to 12/04/2004 - Oldham 50 - Featherstone 24
4 games Featherstone 12/02/2017 - Featherstone 8 - Oldham 6 to 29/08/2021 - Oldham 10 - Featherstone 48
4. 3 games Featherstone 09/06/1999 - Oldham 18 - Featherstone 25 to 26/03/2000 - Featherstone 61 - Oldham 26