Head to Head - Keighley Cougars vs. Workington Town


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 52 points Keighley 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
2. 48 points Workington 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
3. 42 points Keighley 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
4. 36 points Keighley 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
5. 32 points Workington 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
6. 29 points Keighley 10/08/2003 - Keighley 35 - Workington 6
7. 22 points Workington 05/08/2018 - Workington 34 - Keighley 12
8. 21 points Keighley 10/01/1993 - Workington 0 - Keighley 21
9. 20 points Keighley 25/04/2011 - Keighley 38 - Workington 18
20 points Keighley 02/10/2011 - Workington 12 - Keighley 32

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 58 points Keighley 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
58 points Keighley 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
3. 52 points Workington 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
4. 50 points Workington 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
5. 44 points Keighley 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
44 points Keighley 18/02/2018 - Keighley 44 - Workington 34
7. 38 points Keighley 25/04/2011 - Keighley 38 - Workington 18
8. 37 points Keighley 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37
9. 35 points Keighley 10/08/2003 - Keighley 35 - Workington 6
35 points Workington 14/08/2011 - Workington 35 - Keighley 18

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 11 tries Keighley 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
2. 10 tries Keighley 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
3. 9 tries Workington 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
9 tries Workington 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
5. 7 tries Keighley 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
7 tries Keighley 10/08/2003 - Keighley 35 - Workington 6
7. 6 tries Workington 06/06/2021 - Workington 34 - Keighley 20
6 tries Keighley 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37
9. 5 tries Workington 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
5 tries Keighley 10/06/2007 - Keighley 33 - Workington 22
5 tries Keighley 10/08/2008 - Keighley 26 - Workington 20
5 tries Keighley 07/09/2008 - Keighley 32 - Workington 14
5 tries Keighley 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
5 tries Workington 01/03/2020 - Workington 24 - Keighley 6

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 goals Keighley 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2. 8 goals Keighley 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
8 goals Workington 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
4. 7 goals Workington 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
7 goals Keighley 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
6. 6 goals Keighley 10/06/2007 - Keighley 33 - Workington 22
6 goals Keighley 07/09/2008 - Keighley 32 - Workington 14
6 goals Keighley 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
6 goals Keighley 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37
10. 5 goals Keighley 30/08/1992 - Keighley 18 - Workington 2
5 goals Workington 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
5 goals Keighley 23/07/2006 - Keighley 19 - Workington 12
5 goals Workington 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
5 goals Workington 06/06/2021 - Workington 34 - Keighley 20

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 22 points Jack Miller (Keighley) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2. 18 points Tane Manihera (Workington) 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
18 points Steve Kirkbride (Workington) 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
18 points Danny Jones (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
5. 16 points Adam Mitchell (Keighley) 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
16 points Carl Hughes (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
16 points Benn Hardcastle (Keighley) 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
16 points Carl Forber (Workington) 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
16 points Elliot Hall (Workington) 01/03/2020 - Workington 24 - Keighley 6
10. 13 points Jack Miller (Keighley) 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 tries Carl Hughes (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
4 tries Elliot Hall (Workington) 01/03/2020 - Workington 24 - Keighley 6
3. 3 tries Matt Bramald (Keighley) 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
3 tries Andy Shickell (Keighley) 07/09/2008 - Keighley 32 - Workington 14
5. 2 tries Matthew Foster (Keighley) 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
2 tries Andy Robinson (Keighley) 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
2 tries Tane Manihera (Workington) 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
2 tries Lusi Sione (Workington) 11/09/2005 - Keighley 16 - Workington 20
2 tries Shaun Lunt (Workington) 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
2 tries Mick Fogerty (Keighley) 10/06/2007 - Keighley 33 - Workington 22
2 tries Johnny Presley (Keighley) 25/05/2008 - Workington 6 - Keighley 18
2 tries Chris Redfearn (Keighley) 10/08/2008 - Keighley 26 - Workington 20
2 tries Dan Potter (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
2 tries Gavin Duffy (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
2 tries James Feather (Keighley) 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
2 tries Brad Holroyd (Workington) 06/06/2021 - Workington 34 - Keighley 20
2 tries Josh Slingsby (Keighley) 06/06/2021 - Workington 34 - Keighley 20
2 tries Caine Barnes (Workington) 26/09/2021 - Workington 18 - Keighley 16
2 tries Mark Ioane (Keighley) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2 tries Brandon Pickersgill (Keighley) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2 tries JJ Key (Workington) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2 tries Junior Sa'u (Keighley) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2 tries Junior Sa'u (Keighley) 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37
2 tries Oscar Thomas (Keighley) 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 goals Jack Miller (Keighley) 24/03/2024 - Keighley 58 - Workington 16
2. 8 goals Adam Mitchell (Keighley) 25/05/2003 - Workington 8 - Keighley 44
3. 7 goals Steve Kirkbride (Workington) 13/08/2006 - Workington 50 - Keighley 18
7 goals Danny Jones (Keighley) 31/05/2009 - Keighley 58 - Workington 6
5. 6 goals Richard Knight (Keighley) 10/06/2007 - Keighley 33 - Workington 22
6 goals Danny Jones (Keighley) 07/09/2008 - Keighley 32 - Workington 14
6 goals Benn Hardcastle (Keighley) 28/04/2019 - Keighley 32 - Workington 26
6 goals Carl Forber (Workington) 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4
6 goals Jack Miller (Keighley) 30/06/2024 - Workington 18 - Keighley 37
10. 5 goals John Wasyliw (Keighley) 30/08/1992 - Keighley 18 - Workington 2
5 goals Tane Manihera (Workington) 17/04/2005 - Workington 30 - Keighley 24
5 goals Barry Eaton (Keighley) 23/07/2006 - Keighley 19 - Workington 12
5 goals Carl Forber (Workington) 06/06/2021 - Workington 34 - Keighley 20

Longest Streaks

Longest winning streak

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 games Keighley 25/05/2008 - Workington 6 - Keighley 18 to 25/04/2011 - Keighley 38 - Workington 18
2. 5 games Workington 21/07/2019 - Workington 52 - Keighley 4 to 26/09/2021 - Workington 18 - Keighley 16
3. 4 games Keighley 30/08/1992 - Keighley 18 - Workington 2 to 10/08/2003 - Keighley 35 - Workington 6