Head to Head - Newcastle Knights vs. South Queensland Crushers


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 44 points Newcastle 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 18 points Newcastle 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
3. 16 points Newcastle 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4. 10 points South Queensland 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 44 points Newcastle 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 28 points South Queensland 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
3. 24 points Newcastle 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4. 22 points Newcastle 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 8 tries Newcastle 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 5 tries South Queensland 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
3. 4 tries Newcastle 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4. 3 tries Newcastle 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
3 tries Newcastle 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals Newcastle 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 5 goals Newcastle 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
3. 4 goals South Queensland 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 goals Newcastle 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
5. 3 goals Newcastle 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 18 points Leo Dynevor (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 12 points Adam Muir (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
3. 10 points Andrew Johns (Newcastle) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4. 8 points Darren Plowman (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
8 points Leo Dynevor (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
6. 6 points Andrew Johns (Newcastle) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
7. 4 points Wayne Collins (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Nathan Barnes (Newcastle) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Chris McKenna (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points St John Ellis (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Michael Eagar (Newcastle) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Paul Marquet (Newcastle) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Dale Shearer (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
4 points Robbie O'Davis (Newcastle) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4 points Darren Treacy (Newcastle) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4 points Keith Beauchamp (Newcastle) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4 points Mark Protheroe (South Queensland) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
4 points Owen Craigie (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
4 points Darren Albert (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
4 points Matthew Gidley (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
4 points Troy Fletcher (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4 points Mark Protheroe (South Queensland) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4 points Robbie O'Davis (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4 points Matthew Johns (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4 points Owen Craigie (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 tries Adam Muir (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
2. 2 tries Darren Plowman (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
2 tries Leo Dynevor (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 5 goals Andrew Johns (Newcastle) 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6
5 goals Leo Dynevor (Newcastle) 23/03/1997 - Newcastle 44 - South Queensland 0
3. 4 goals Leo Dynevor (Newcastle) 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24
4. 3 goals Andrew Johns (Newcastle) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18
5. 2 goals St John Ellis (South Queensland) 21/05/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Newcastle 18

Longest Streaks

Longest winning streak

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 games Newcastle 09/06/1996 - Newcastle 22 - South Queensland 6 to 28/06/1997 - South Queensland 6 - Newcastle 24