Head to Head - Newcastle vs. South Sydney Rabbitohs


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 20 points South Sydney 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
2. 19 points South Sydney 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
19 points South Sydney 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
4. 5 points South Sydney 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8
5 points Newcastle 07/08/1909 - Newcastle 5 - South Sydney 0

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 30 points South Sydney 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
2. 28 points South Sydney 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3. 20 points South Sydney 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
4. 8 points South Sydney 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8
5. 5 points Newcastle 07/08/1909 - Newcastle 5 - South Sydney 0

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 8 tries South Sydney 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
8 tries South Sydney 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3. 6 tries South Sydney 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
4. 3 tries Newcastle 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
5. 2 tries South Sydney 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 goals Newcastle 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 goals South Sydney 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3. 2 goals South Sydney 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 7 points Les Carpenter (Newcastle) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
2. 6 points Billy Cann (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
6 points Harry Butler (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
6 points Dick Green (South Sydney) 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8
6 points William Bailey (Newcastle) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
6 points Tommy Anderson (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
7. 5 points Jim Davis (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
8. 4 points Ted McGuinness (Newcastle) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
4 points Dick Green (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
10. 3 points Tommy Anderson (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 points Jack Leveson (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 points George Cox (Newcastle) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 points Leo Senior (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 points Arthur Conlin (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
3 points William Bailey (Newcastle) 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8
3 points Maxwell Coxon (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Arthur Butler (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Stan Carpenter (Newcastle) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Billy Cann (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Howard Hallett (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Frank Storie (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points George Dawson (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Arthur Conlin (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Harry Butler (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
3 points Arthur McNeil (Newcastle) 07/08/1909 - Newcastle 5 - South Sydney 0
3 points Jack Leveson (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
3 points Howard Hallett (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0
3 points Frank Storie (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 tries Harry Butler (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
2 tries Billy Cann (South Sydney) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
2 tries Dick Green (South Sydney) 08/08/1908 - Newcastle 3 - South Sydney 8
2 tries William Bailey (Newcastle) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9
2 tries Tommy Anderson (South Sydney) 14/08/1909 - South Sydney 20 - Newcastle 0

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 goals Les Carpenter (Newcastle) 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11
2 goals Dick Green (South Sydney) 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9

Longest Streaks

Longest winning streak

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 games South Sydney 27/06/1908 - South Sydney 30 - Newcastle 11 to 01/05/1909 - South Sydney 28 - Newcastle 9