Head to Head - Newtown Jets vs. North Sydney Bears


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 27 points Newtown 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 5 points North Sydney 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 34 points Newtown 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 21 points North Sydney 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 8 tries Newtown 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 5 tries North Sydney 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3. 4 tries Newtown 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 5 goals Newtown 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 3 goals North Sydney 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3. 2 goals Newtown 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
2 goals North Sydney 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 10 points Tom Kirk (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 6 points Des Fullerton (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
6 points Ted Rudd (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
6 points Gerard Scully (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
6 points Sid Goodwin (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
6. 4 points Tom Kirk (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
4 points Ted Rudd (North Sydney) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
8. 3 points Laurie Doran (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3 points Cyril McMahon (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3 points Keith Phillips (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3 points Frank Collins (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3 points Jim Brailey (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3 points Keith Phillips (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Bruce Ryan (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Johnny McLachlan (North Sydney) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Herb Narvo (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Jim Brailey (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Frank Farrell (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
3 points Len Smith (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 tries Gerard Scully (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
2 tries Des Fullerton (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
2 tries Sid Goodwin (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 5 goals Tom Kirk (Newtown) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7
2. 3 goals Ted Rudd (North Sydney) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
3. 2 goals Tom Kirk (Newtown) 14/08/1943 - North Sydney 21 - Newtown 16
2 goals Ted Rudd (North Sydney) 04/09/1943 - Newtown 34 - North Sydney 7

Longest Streaks