Head to Head - Sheffield Eagles vs. Workington Town

Sheffield Eagles against Workington Town Workington Town

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Second Division 1985

1985 Dec 22 Workington 8 Sheffield 26 G. Kershaw Workington 476 View
T: I. Denny
G. Nixon
T: D. Bridgeman
P. Burgoyne
K. Farrell
M. Roiall
G: R. Rafferty (5)
1986 May 5 Sheffield 16 Workington 14 R. Tennant Doncaster 500 View
T: A. Dickinson (2)
J. Glancy
G: R. Rafferty (2)
T: J. Banks
J. Beattie
I. Bower
G: D. Lowden

Second Division 1986

1986 Dec 21 Workington 28 Sheffield 16 K. Spencer Workington 5,228 View
T: S. Maguire
G. Mounsey
G: D. Lowden (9)
FG: G. Burgess
S. Maguire
T: S. Lidbury
C. Miller
D. Powell
G: M. Aston (2)
1987 Feb 8 Sheffield 34 Workington 14 G. Berry Sheffield 341 View
T: M. Aston
D. Close
K. Farrell
M. Gamson
S. Lidbury
A. Wilson
G: M. Aston (5)
T: J. Beattie
D. Beck
M. Mawson
G: G. Smith

Second Division 1991

1991 Oct 6 Sheffield 28 Workington 14 D. Carter Sheffield 1,488 View
T: M. Cook
D. Mycoe
R. Price
I. Ropati
A. Young
G: D. Close (4)
T: C. Armstrong
C. Mort
G: C. Armstrong (2)
FG: D. Lowden (2)
1991 Dec 8 Workington 2 Sheffield 35 D. Carter Workington 1,690 View
G: C. Armstrong
T: I. Ropati (2)
M. Aston
R. Picksley
D. Plange
T. Tuimavave
G: M. Aston (5)
FG: M. Aston
1992 Feb 16 Sheffield 48 Workington 8 R. Smith Sheffield 1,531 View
T: D. Plange (2)
I. Ropati (2)
I. Hughes
D. Laughton
R. Price
T. Tuimavave
A. Young
G: M. Aston (6)
T: N. Rooney
G: D. Marwood (2)
1992 Mar 15 Workington 18 Sheffield 36 R. Smith Workington 1,410 View
T: J. Beattie (2)
S. Wear
G: S. Wear (3)
T: T. Tuimavave (2)
P. Broadbent
T. Lumb
D. Plange
I. Ropati
G: D. Mycoe (6)

Championship 1994

1994 Sep 4 Workington 6 Sheffield 31 S. Presley Workington 3,636 View
T: S. Cocker
G: D. Marwood
T: P. Carr (2)
A. Farrell (2)
B. Hayes
L. Stott
G: D. Trindall (3)
FG: C. Briggs
1994 Nov 27 Sheffield 34 Workington 29 S. Presley Sheffield 1,906 View
T: P. Carr
A. Farrell
J. Glancy
D. Powell
B. Sodje
L. Stott
G: D. Mycoe (5)
T: P. Burns
K. Ellis
V. Fawcett
P. McKenzie
D. Marwood
G: D. Marwood (4)
FG: M. Mulligan

Championship 1995

1995 Aug 27 Workington 26 Sheffield 20 K. Kirkpatrick Workington 2,828 View
T: D. Fraisse
P. Livett
B. McGinty
K. Pape
G: D. Marwood (5)
T: P. Broadbent
D. Hughes
D. Mycoe
R. Sheridan
G: D. Mycoe (2)
1995 Dec 8 Sheffield 34 Workington 8 D. Campbell Sheffield 2,032 View
T: P. Carr (2)
J. Dakuitoga
J. Garcia
A. Hay
L. Stott
G: D. Mycoe (5)
T: W. Kitchin
R. Phillips

Super League 1996

1996 Apr 8 Workington 22 Sheffield 54 S. Presley Workington 1,904 View
T: J. Allen
R. Phillips
L. Smith
G: D. Marwood (5)
T: J. Garcia (2)
B. Sodje (2)
M. Cook
A. Farrell
A. Hay
D. McAllister
K. Senior
R. Sheridan
G: M. Aston (7)
1996 Jun 29 Sheffield 32 Workington 16 P. Taberner Sheffield 3,468 View
T: R. Chapman (2)
M. Crowther
J. Garcia
I. Hughes
K. Senior
G: M. Aston (4)
T: B. Nairn
T. Smith
G: W. Kitchin (4)

Second Division 2000

2000 Mar 26 Sheffield 18 Workington 20 G. Hewer Sheffield 1,177 View
2000 Jul 2 Workington 18 Sheffield 19 R. Laughton Workington 659 View

Second Division 2001

2001 Feb 18 Workington 15 Sheffield 12 C. Morris Workington 990 View
T: G. Lewthwaite (2)
J. Smith
G: K. Hetherington
FG: K. Hetherington
Bin: L. Savelio
T: R. Goddard
I. Thompson
G: R. Goddard (2)
Bin: C. Chapman
R. Wright
2001 Jun 24 Sheffield 34 Workington 26 P. Brooke Sheffield 1,259 View
T: G. Hewitt (2)
G. Dobson
R. Goddard
B. Kershaw
A. Poynter
G: R. Goddard (5)
T: N. Frazer
K. Hetherington
S. Hoyles
L. Savelio
M. Woodcock
G: T. Manihera (3)

Second Division 2002

2001 Dec 2 Workington 12 Sheffield 10 P. Taberner Workington 1,308 View
T: G. Charlton
N. Frazer
G: S. Wood (2)
T: A. Poynter
G: R. Goddard (3)
2002 Jul 14 Sheffield 46 Workington 26 P. Lee Sheffield 1,071 View
T: A. Poynter (3)
W. Flynn (2)
I. Brown
R. Goddard
I. Thompson
G: G. Brown (7)
T: C. Sice (2)
N. Frazer
L. Savelio
G: T. Manihera (5)

Third Division 2003

2003 Jun 15 Workington 16 Sheffield 29 S. Presley Workington 487 View
T: C. Fisher
G. Lewthwaite
M. Tunstall
G: C. Fisher
S. Stoddart
T: A. Poynter (2)
I. Thompson (2)
M. Stringer
G: G. Brown (4)
FG: G. Brown
2003 Sep 6 Sheffield 56 Workington 11 B. Thaler Sheffield 1,011 View
T: T. O'Reilly (2)
A. Raleigh (2)
T. Weller (2)
M. Aston
J. Breakingbury
G. Brown
R. Goddard
P. Reilly
G: G. Brown (6)
T: J. Beaumont
J. Robinson
G: N. Alexander
FG: N. Alexander

Third Division 2004

2004 May 30 Workington 32 Sheffield 36 J. Leahy Workington 652 View
T: J. Beaumont
S. Chilton
N. Frazer
A. McGlasson
J. Tuimaualuga
G: T. Manihera (6/6)
T: B. Sodje (2)
S. Doherty
A. Poynter
A. Raleigh
G: A. James (8/8)
2004 Jun 6 Sheffield 21 Workington 8 J. King Sheffield 979 View
T: S. Collins
R. Goddard
A. Poynter
G: R. Goddard (4/5)
FG: R. Goddard
T: T. Manihera
G: T. Manihera (2/2)

Third Division 2005

2005 Jun 11 Sheffield 31 Workington 28 P. Carr Sheffield 650 View
T: J. Crawford (2)
S. Dickinson
J. Ford
W. Sovatabua
G: J. Crawford (5/5)
FG: G. Brown
T: J. Limmer (2)
N. Frazer
T. Manihera
M. Woodcock
G: J. Roper (4/6)
2005 Aug 14 Workington 34 Sheffield 10 J. Leahy Workington 866 View
T: J. Limmer (3)
T. Manihera
L. Sione
M. Woodcock
G: J. Roper (5/6)
T: C. de Chenu
J. Presley
G: J. Crawford (1/2)
Bin: D. Lynch

Third Division 2006

2006 Apr 28 Sheffield 44 Workington 46 R. Hicks Sheffield 756 View
T: J. Ford (3)
A. Hay
A. McClarron
C. Poucher
A. Smith
J. Woodcock
G: J. Woodcock (6/8)
T: A. Beattie (2)
L. Campbell (2)
S. Lunt (2)
K. Ganley
M. Wilson
G: S. Kirkbride (6/7)
L. Campbell (1/1)
2006 Jul 16 Workington 10 Sheffield 70 I. Smith Workington 568 View
T: S. Lunt
D. Miller
G: S. Kirkbride (1/2)
Bin: S. Nixon
T: C. Bravo (2)
A. McClarron (2)
J. Presley (2)
D. Holdstock
B. Lindsay
M. Ostler
P. Pickering
C. Poucher
A. Smith
W. Sovatabua
G: C. Poucher (5/6)
G. Brown (4/7)

National League Cup 2012

2012 Feb 12 Workington 14 Sheffield 28 Workington   View

Second Division 2013

2013 Feb 24 Workington 24 Sheffield 28 Workington   View
2013 Jul 31 Sheffield 36 Workington 0 Sheffield   View

Second Division 2014

2014 Apr 13 Workington 14 Sheffield 24 Workington   View
2014 Jun 8 Sheffield 37 Workington 30 Sheffield   View

Second Division 2015

2015 Mar 15 Workington 12 Sheffield 14 Workington   View
2015 Jun 28 Sheffield 26 Workington 6 Doncaster   View

Second Division 2016

2016 Feb 7 Workington 12 Sheffield 42 Workington   View
2016 May 14 Sheffield 30 Workington 37 Sheffield   View

Challenge Cup 2020

2020 Mar 15 Sheffield 34 Workington 18 J. Vella Doncaster 323 View
T: J. Farrell (2)
C. Makelim (2)
O. Davies
I. Farrell
R. Millar
G: I. Farrell (3)
T: C. Forber
B. Marwood
F. Moimoi
G: C. Forber (3)

Second Division 2022

2022 Mar 6 Workington 4 Sheffield 54 J. Vella Workington 779 View
T: C. Teare
G: O. Thomas (0/1)
T: J. Bass
M. Chrimes
I. Farrell
J. Farrell
V. Halafihi
B. Jones-Bishop
R. Oakes
A. Thackeray
M. Wood
G: I. Farrell (9/9)
2022 Jul 24 Sheffield 64 Workington 6 L. Rush Sheffield 644 View
T: A. Thackeray (4)
B. Jones-Bishop (2)
M. Chrimes
B. Douglas
T. Holmes
L. Kirk
Q. Laulu-Togaga'e
K. Welham
G: J. Guzdek (8/12)
Off: B. Liu (8/12)
T: J. Thomson
G: C. Forber (1/1)
Off: J. Thomson (1/1)

40 games
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