Josh Lynam

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Vital Statistics

Tuesday, 16th February, 1993
Current Age
31 years and 216 days

Playing Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

To view a list of corresponding matches, click on the List button.


Competition   Comp Wins App T G   GK % FG Pts W L D Win %  
Challenge Cup - 8 - -   - - 3 5 0 37.50% List
1895 Cup - 2 - -   - - 0 2 0 0.00% List
UK Second Division - 9 2 -   - 8 2 7 0 22.22% List
UK Third Division - 24 6 -   - 24 15 8 1 62.50% List

Club Career

English Career - By Year

Team Season   App T G   GK % FG Pts W L D Win %  
Keighley 2014   ? - -   - -  
Keighley 2017   ? - -   - -  
Keighley 2019   11 3 -   - 12 4 6 1 36.36% List
Keighley 2021   7 1 -   - 4 3 4 0 42.86% List
Keighley 2022   3 - -   - - 3 0 0 100.00% List
Keighley 2023   9 2 -   - 8 2 7 0 22.22% List
Keighley 2024   8 2 -   - 8 5 3 0 62.50% List
Keighley 2013   ? - -   - -  
Keighley 2015   ? - -   - -  
Keighley 2016   ? - -   - -  
Keighley 2018   ? - -   - -  

English Career - By Team

Team Years   App T G   GK % FG Pts W L D Win %  
Keighley 2014, 2017, 2019, 2021-24   43 8 -   - 32 20 22 1 46.51% List

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Contributions: Andrew Ferguson, Shawn Dollin, Tim Costello, Greg Fiveash, AJ Lucantonio