D'Jazirhae Pua'avase

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Opposite Numbers

This page shows a list of all players this player directly opposed (ie, same position in the same game), as well as a link to all games in question. Please keep in mind it does not include bench appearances.

Front row

Opposition Player Games W L D  
PERE, Emry 2 2 - - List
BETHAM-MISA, Jontay-Junior 1 - 1 - List
BUTLER, Bailey 1 - 1 - List
CASEY-DOUGLAS, Terrence 1 - 1 - List
GREINKE, Brett 1 - 1 - List
JENKINS, Cooper 1 - 1 - List
KOELLNER, Matthew 1 - 1 - List
LEWIS, Chris 1 1 - - List
LITTLE, Ash 1 - 1 - List
MARTIN, Jack 1 1 - - List
O'CALLAGHAN, Patrick 1 1 - - List
OLDHAM, Neihana 1 1 - - List
PAGE-WILSON, Cooper 1 1 - - List
PETTERSON-ROBATI, Pride 1 - 1 - List
POWELL, Tristan 1 - 1 - List
SIMPKINS, Tukimihia 1 - 1 - List
STIMSON, Joe 1 - 1 - List
TE KURA, Benjamin 1 - 1 - List
VAALEPU, Lazarus 1 1 - - List