Jake Granville

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Opposite Numbers

This page shows a list of all players this player directly opposed (ie, same position in the same game), as well as a link to all games in question. Please keep in mind it does not include bench appearances.


Opposition Player Games W L D  
HYNES, Nicho 1 - 1 - List
NIU, Tesi 1 - 1 - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
CHEE-KAM, Michael 1 - 1 - List
TALAU, Tommy 1 - 1 - List

Front row

Opposition Player Games W L D  
FONUA-BLAKE, Addin 1 - 1 - List
TEVAGA, Jazz 1 - 1 - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
SMITH, Cameron 11 2 9 - List
McCULLOUGH, Andrew 10 6 4 - List
HODGSON, Josh 7 4 3 - List
BRAILEY, Jayden 6 2 4 - List
ENNIS, Michael 6 2 4 - List
LUKE, Issac 6 3 3 - List
REIN, Mitch 6 5 1 - List
LICHAA, Michael 5 3 2 - List
McINNES, Cameron 5 3 2 - List
PEATS, Nathan 5 5 - - List
COOK, Damien 4 1 3 - List
KOROISAU, Apisai 4 2 2 - List
FARAH, Robbie 3 1 2 - List
KING, Cameron 3 2 1 - List
MARSHALL-KING, Jeremy 3 2 1 - List
WALLACE, Peter 3 1 2 - List
BALLIN, Matt 2 2 - - List
BUTTERFIELD, Tom 2 - 2 - List
FRIEND, Jake 2 1 1 - List
FRIEND, Nathan 2 1 1 - List
HALATAU, Dene 2 1 1 - List
KENNY, Mitch 2 2 - - List
LEVI, Danny 2 2 - - List
O'SULLIVAN, Troy 2 2 - - List
RADLEY, Victor 2 1 1 - List
SEGEYARO, James 2 1 1 - List
BAPTISTE, Kurt 1 1 - - List
BRAILEY, Blayke 1 - 1 - List
BURROW, Rob 1 1 - - List
CLYDSDALE, Adam 1 1 - - List
CRONIN, Mitch 1 1 - - List
FALEPAINI, Aleki 1 - 1 - List
FALLOON, Beau 1 1 - - List
FESOLAI, Maxwell 1 1 - - List
FISHER, Michael 1 - 1 - List
GRAHAM, Harrison 1 - 1 - List
GRIFFIN, Slade 1 - 1 - List
HAVILI, Siliva 1 - 1 - List
HUNT, Ben 1 - 1 - List
LAWTON, Karl 1 1 - - List
LEULUAI, Thomas 1 1 - - List
McILWRICK, Matt 1 1 - - List
MAHONEY, Reed 1 1 - - List
MESKELL, Sam 1 1 - - List
MITCHELL, Anthony 1 - 1 - List
POLITONI, Pat 1 - 1 - List
PRITCHARD, Kaysa 1 1 - - List
RIMBU, Judah 1 1 - - List
ROWLES, Tom 1 1 - - List
SCHNEIDER, Kyle 1 - 1 - List
SIMPKINS, Ryan 1 1 - - List
SMITH, Brandon 1 1 - - List
TAYLOR, Elijah 1 - 1 - List
TURPIN, Jake 1 - 1 - List
WATSON, Connor 1 - 1 - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
CLARK, Erin 1 - 1 - List
HOPGOOD, J'maine 1 - 1 - List
KING, Josh 1 1 - - List
McINNES, Cameron 1 - 1 - List
MANN, Kurt 1 1 - - List
MURRAY, Cameron 1 1 - - List
TRBOJEVIC, Jake 1 1 - - List