K Spouster

  • Playing Career

Playing Career


This page shows a list of all players that K Spouster played alongside based on data available.

Teammate Games W L D Win %  
BUKOWSKI, Gary 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
FRENCH, Gary 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
GIBSON, Steve 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
KELLAWAY, Bob 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
LAXON, Paul 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
MILLS, Dave 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
NEWMAN, Ric 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
PORTER, Gary 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
TAYLOR, Robert 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
TEITZEL, Craig 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
WHITE, Chris 2 1 1 - 50.0% List
ERNST, Pat 1 1 - - 100.0% List
HARRY, Bruce 1 - 1 - 0.0% List
HILL, Rich 1 1 - - 100.0% List
HUDSON, Bob 1 1 - - 100.0% List
JENSEN, Wayne 1 - 1 - 0.0% List
ROCHFORD, Paul 1 - 1 - 0.0% List