Vic Fetherstone

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Teammates (City Cup)

This page shows a list of all players that Vic Fetherstone played alongside based on data available.

Teammate Games W L D Win %  
BURRIDGE, Frank 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
COLLINS, Wally 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
COURTNEY, Ed 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
DOIG, Eric 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
EASTERBROOK, Westley 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
McMILLAN, Frank 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
RYAN, Jack 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
STETTLER, Gordon 5 1 4 - 20.0% List
LEDDY, Harold 4 1 3 - 25.0% List
MATTHEWS, William 4 1 3 - 25.0% List
REIDY, Joe 4 - 4 - 0.0% List
STAPLETON, Eddie 4 1 3 - 25.0% List
JOASS, William 3 1 2 - 33.3% List
HUNT, R 1 - 1 - 0.0% List
WALKER, Reginald 1 - 1 - 0.0% List