Willie Tangira

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Opposite Numbers

This page shows a list of all players this player directly opposed (ie, same position in the same game), as well as a link to all games in question. Please keep in mind it does not include bench appearances.


Opposition Player Games W L D  
BASNETT, John 1 - 1 - List
BECK, David 1 - 1 - List
CARTWRIGHT, Phil 1 - 1 - List
CLARK, Garry 1 - 1 - List
CURRIER, Andy 1 - 1 - List
DEVEREUX, John 1 - 1 - List
DURNIN, Paul 1 1 - - List
EASTWOOD, Paul 1 - 1 - List
GAUCHWIN, Steve 1 1 - - List
GIBSON, Carl 1 - 1 - List
GORGE, Paul 1 - 1 - List
McCORMICK, Kevin 1 - 1 - List
MIDDLETON, Glen 1 - 1 - List
QUIRK, Les 1 - 1 - List
RAFFERTY, Roy 1 - 1 - List
STOTT, Phil 1 - 1 - List
TURNER, Neil 1 - 1 - List
YOUNG, Andy 1 - 1 - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
ACKERMAN, Rob 1 - - 1 List
BECKWITH, Mark 1 - - 1 List
BLACKER, Brian 1 - 1 - List
MAWSON, Mark 1 1 - - List
TUBMAN, Keith 1 1 - - List
WILLIAMS, Stewart 1 - 1 - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
FAIRHURST, Alan 1 1 - - List
LANGTON, Steve 1 1 - - List
RUANE, Dave 1 - 1 - List