2018 Intrust Super Premiership


Note: * denotes incomplete data.

Canterbury (R) 
Runners Up
Newtown (R) 
Minor Premiers
Penrith (R) 
Wooden Spoon
Newcastle (R) 
Top Tryscorer
Jordan Pereira (16)
Top Pointscorer
Adam Keighran (202)
No. Of Teams
No. Of Games
No. Of Players
No. Of Tries
No. Of Goals
883 / 1,234 (71.56%)
No. Of F.Goals
Total Attendance
Average Crowd
n/a *
Highest Crowd
Highest Crowd (Reg. Season)
Lowest Crowd
Mean Scoreline
Median Scoreline
Highest Scoreline
Lowest Scoreline
Highest Team Score
Mount Pritchard (62-0)
Average PPG


1. Penrith (R)1192-298230681172225218072221642255041038+14025.0018.64
2. St Geo Illa (R)1165-235203321183-2592114822148-249441432+8022.4518.82
3. Newtown (R)11551302210921173130520996221282260741930+18827.5919.05
4. Canterbury (R)1183-3252051201156-212247-3522139-253745230+8524.4120.55
5. Wests (R)1174-258168901156-219305-86221210-247747328+421.6821.50
6. Mount Pritchard1156-302265371165-23019634221111-253246126+7124.1820.95
7. Warriors (R)1156-201223-221156-228266-38221012-242948924-6019.5022.23
8. Wyong11452252293-411156-249286-37229112250157924-7822.7726.32
9. Blacktown (Workers)11371216240-24115512602564228122247649622-2021.6422.55
10. Wentworthville1147-176246-701156-260337-7722913-243658322-14719.8226.50
11. Norths (R)11371247294-4711461232238-6227132247953220-5321.7724.18
12. Newcastle (R)11281202306-10411371177283-106225152237958916-21017.2326.77


To view more info on a match, click the View button.
Quarter Final Sep 1 Penrith 28 Canterbury 18 T. Smith, D. Furner Panthers Stadium   View
Quarter Final 1 Mount Pritchard 21 Warriors 20 A. Cassidy Panthers Stadium   View
Quarter Final 2 Wests 14 Wyong 18 D. Oultram Panthers Stadium   View
Quarter Final 2 St Geo Illa 28 Newtown 26 D. Briscoe Panthers Stadium   View
Semi Final 8 Newtown 34 Mount Pritchard 16 T. Smith, D. Furner Jubilee Stadium   View
Semi Final 9 Canterbury 34 Wyong 24 A. Cassidy, D. Oultram Jubilee Stadium   View
Prelim Final 15 Penrith 24 Newtown 28 A. Cassidy, D. Oultram Leichhardt   View
Prelim Final 16 St Geo Illa 26 Canterbury 28 T. Smith, D. Furner Leichhardt   View
Grand Final 23 Newtown 12 Canterbury 18 A. Cassidy, D. Oultram Leichhardt   View


Team Stats (includes Cup/Tour matches)

Team Name Position W L D Pts For Pts Ag. Coach(es) Captain(s) Top Tryscorer(s) Top Pointscorer(s) Home Venue(s) Home Crowd Avg Extra Info
Blacktown Workers Sea Eagles 9th 8 12 2 476 496 Hales Folau 9 - Sipley, Anderson 68 -Hastings HE Laybutt Field (5), Lottoland (5) * 0
Canterbury Bulldogs (R) 4th 16 10 0 635 542 Georgallis Martin, Lewis, Frawley, Fine 11 - Bergamin 102 -Cleeland Belmore * 0 Premiers
Mount Pritchard Mounties 6th 12 12 0 569 515 Carr Garvey, Hunt, Makatoa 12 - Abbey 140 -Moceidreke Aubrey Keech (6), GIO (4) * 0 Quarter Final
Newcastle Knights (R) 12th 5 15 2 379 589 Woolford Cogger, Meaney, Lamb 11 - Hughes 44 -Hughes McD. Jones (8), Cessnock (2) * 0 Wooden Spoon
Newtown Jets (R) 3rd 14 10 2 707 505 Matterson Moraitis, Lolo 14 - Kennedy 169 -Flanagan Henson * 0 Runners Up
North Sydney Bears (R) 11th 7 13 2 479 532 Millard Brittain 12 - Tracey 123 -Hawkins North Sydney * 0
Penrith Panthers (R) 1st 17 5 2 602 456 Missio Ellis, Waddell 11 - Tuisese 202 -Keighran Panthers Stadium (10), St Marys (1) * 0 Prelim Final
St George Illawarra Dragons (R) 2nd 15 9 0 548 468 Head Nicholls 16 - Pereira 104 -Nicholls WIN (6), Jubilee Stadium (2) * 0 Prelim Final
Warriors (R) 7th 10 13 0 449 510 Teina Bell, Lino 9 - Soosemea 108 -Harris-Tavita Mt Smart (8), North Harbour (3) * 0 Quarter Final
Wentworthville Magpies 10th 9 13 0 436 583 Cayless Stone 8 - Davis 144 -Davis Ringrose Park * 0
Western Suburbs Magpies (R) 5th 12 11 0 491 491 Hodgson Garner, Drinkwater, Siolo, Sironen, Robson 10 - Robson 72 -Drinkwater Campbelltown (5), Leichhardt (2), ANZ (1) * 0 Quarter Final
Wyong Roos 8th 10 12 2 543 627 Taylor Williams 10 - Ikuvalu, Momirovski 106 -Mantellato Morry Breen * 0 Quarter Final