Head to Head - Bradford Bulls vs. Hull FC

Bradford Bulls against Hull FC Hull FC

Showing 1-200 of 247

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Northern Rugby Football Union 1895

1896 Jan 1 Bradford 0 Hull 0 Bradford   View
1896 Apr 3 Hull 6 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Yorkshire Senior Competition 1896

1896 Sep 12 Bradford 11 Hull 0 Bradford   View
1896 Dec 26 Hull 3 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Yorkshire Senior Competition 1897

1897 Sep 25 Hull 7 Bradford 13 Hull   View
1898 Jan 1 Bradford 10 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1897

1898 Mar 19 Hull 2 Bradford 6 Hull   View

Yorkshire Senior Competition 1898

1898 Nov 5 Bradford 7 Hull 9 Bradford   View
1899 Feb 11 Hull 23 Bradford 7 Hull   View

Yorkshire Senior Competition 1899

1899 Dec 9 Hull 3 Bradford 8 Hull   View
1900 Mar 10 Bradford 12 Hull 6 Bradford   View

Yorkshire Senior Competition 1900

1900 Oct 6 Hull 5 Bradford 5 Hull   View
1901 Jan 12 Bradford 12 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1901

1901 Oct 19 Bradford 6 Hull 8 Bradford   View
1902 Feb 1 Hull 5 Bradford 5 Hull   View

First Division 1902

1902 Oct 18 Hull 5 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1903 Feb 24 Bradford 5 Hull 0 Bradford   View

First Division 1903

1903 Oct 17 Bradford 19 Hull 0 Bradford   View
1904 Feb 13 Hull 0 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1904

1904 Oct 22 Hull 5 Bradford 13 Hull   View
1905 Feb 18 Bradford 10 Hull 0 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1905

1905 Nov 18 Hull -A- 0 Bradford -A- 0 Hull   View
1906 Jan 11 Hull 3 Bradford 6 Hull   View
1906 20 Bradford 7 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1906

1906 Nov 3 Hull 8 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1907 Feb 9 Bradford 22 Hull 3 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1907

1907 Oct 19 Bradford 11 Hull 5 Bradford   View
1908 Feb 15 Hull 8 Bradford 14 Hull   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1908

1908 Sep 3 Hull 13 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1909 Apr 12 Bradford 5 Hull 14 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1909

1909 Sep 2 Hull 18 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1910 Feb 5 Bradford 2 Hull 9 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1910

1910 Oct 8 Bradford 23 Hull 14 Bradford   View
1910 Dec 17 Hull 13 Bradford 3 Hull   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1911

1911 Sep 30 Bradford 0 Hull 18 Bradford   View
1912 Apr 20 Hull 12 Bradford 5 Hull   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1912

1912 Nov 2 Bradford 13 Hull 8 Bradford   View
1913 Jan 4 Hull 2 Bradford 3 Hull   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1913

1913 Dec 13 Hull 8 Bradford 2 Hull   View
1914 Mar 25 Bradford 6 Hull 11 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1914

1914 Dec 28 Hull 65 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1915 Mar 6 Bradford 11 Hull 23 Bradford   View

Yorkshire League 1918

1919 Jan 18 Hull 34 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1919 25 Bradford 12 Hull 33 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1919

1919 Dec 13 Hull 28 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1920 Mar 31 Bradford 8 Hull 21 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1920

1920 Sep 18 Hull 60 Bradford 4 Hull   View
1921 Mar 19 Bradford 4 Hull 6 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby Football Union 1921

1921 Sep 8 Hull 41 Bradford 4 Hull   View
1922 Mar 4 Bradford 6 Hull 34 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1922

1922 Oct 28 Hull 25 Bradford 2 Hull   View
1923 Mar 10 Bradford 6 Hull 14 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1923

1924 Jan 12 Bradford 18 Hull 5 Bradford   View
1924 Mar 1 Hull 21 Bradford 3 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1924

1924 Sep 20 Bradford 8 Hull 9 Bradford   View
1925 Apr 4 Hull 57 Bradford 6 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1925

1925 Sep 19 Bradford 6 Hull 0 Bradford   View
1925 Dec 19 Hull 25 Bradford 2 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1926

1926 Oct 13 Hull 54 Bradford 17 Hull   View
1926 Nov 6 Bradford 3 Hull 21 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1927

1927 Sep 22 Hull 18 Bradford 4 Hull   View
1927 Oct 29 Bradford 6 Hull 8 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1928

1928 Aug 29 Bradford 18 Hull 7 Bradford   View
1928 Dec 22 Hull 19 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1929

1929 Sep 12 Hull 26 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1929 Nov 23 Bradford 12 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1930

1930 Nov 29 Bradford 4 Hull 11 Bradford   View
1931 Apr 11 Hull 31 Bradford 2 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1931

1931 Dec 19 Bradford 15 Hull 12 Bradford   View
1932 Feb 13 Hull 26 Bradford 7 Hull   View

Yorkshire Cup 1932

1932 Oct 8 Bradford 9 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1932

1933 Feb 4 Hull 63 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1933 Mar 4 Bradford 11 Hull 3 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1933

1933 Sep 28 Hull 20 Bradford 12 Hull   View
1934 Mar 17 Bradford 11 Hull 3 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1934

1935 Jan 26 Hull 40 Bradford 10 Hull   View
1935 Feb 2 Bradford 0 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1935

1936 Jan 11 Hull 17 Bradford 7 Hull   View
1936 Mar 21 Bradford 12 Hull 20 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1936

1936 Oct 10 Hull 20 Bradford 12 Hull   View
1937 Mar 30 Bradford 6 Hull 13 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1937

1938 Jan 1 Hull 14 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1938 Apr 16 Bradford 36 Hull 3 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1938

1938 Oct 29 Bradford 14 Hull 20 Bradford   View
1939 Jan 7 Hull 21 Bradford 0 Hull   View

War Emergency League (Yorkshire) 1939

1939 Nov 18 Bradford 36 Hull 17 Bradford   View
1940 Mar 30 Hull 13 Bradford 2 Hull   View

War Emergency League (Yorkshire) 1940

1941 Feb 1 Hull 7 Bradford 15 Hull   View
1941 Jun 2 Bradford 29 Hull 5 Bradford   View

War Emergency League 1941

1942 Apr 6 Bradford 7 Hull 5 Bradford   View

War Emergency League 1942

1942 Dec 19 Hull 7 Bradford 17 Hull   View
1943 Feb 20 Bradford 20 Hull 8 Bradford   View

War Emergency League 1943

1944 Jan 29 Hull 17 Bradford 9 Hull   View

War Emergency League 1944

1944 Dec 9 Hull 5 Bradford 11 Hull   View
1945 Mar 10 Bradford 13 Hull 0 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1945

1945 Nov 24 Hull 14 Bradford 3 Hull   View
1945 Dec 15 Bradford 19 Hull 3 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1945

1946 Feb 9 Bradford 11 Hull 0 Bradford   View
1946 16 Hull 2 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1946

1946 Oct 26 Bradford 28 Hull 14 Bradford   View
1947 Jan 11 Hull 3 Bradford 5 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1947

1947 Nov 8 Bradford 9 Hull 5 Bradford   View
1947 29 Hull 9 Bradford 5 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1948

1948 Sep 4 Hull 14 Bradford 8 Hull   View
1949 Apr 27 Bradford 6 Hull 15 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1949

1949 Dec 31 Hull 14 Bradford 14 Hull   View
1950 Jan 21 Bradford 16 Hull 2 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1950

1950 Aug 19 Hull 18 Bradford 10 Hull   View
1950 Nov 18 Bradford 13 Hull 16 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1951

1952 Feb 2 Hull 12 Bradford 8 Hull   View
1952 Apr 14 Bradford 12 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1952

1952 Oct 18 Hull 16 Bradford 9 Hull   View
1953 Apr 4 Bradford 16 Hull 9 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1953

1953 Oct 24 Bradford 40 Hull 8 Bradford   View

Yorkshire Cup 1953

1953 31 Bradford 7 Hull 2 Leeds 22,147 View

Northern Rugby League 1953

1953 Nov 7 Hull 14 Bradford 3 Hull   View

Yorkshire Cup 1954

1954 Sep 30 Hull 10 Bradford 5 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1954

1954 Oct 30 Bradford 10 Hull 10 Bradford   View
1955 Feb 19 Hull 24 Bradford 0 Hull   View

Yorkshire Cup 1955

1955 Sep 20 Hull 23 Bradford 16 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1955

1955 Nov 26 Bradford 14 Hull 6 Bradford   View
1955 Dec 31 Hull 28 Bradford 4 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1956

1956 Dec 15 Bradford 10 Hull 17 Bradford   View
1957 Apr 13 Hull 23 Bradford 3 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1957

1957 Nov 16 Bradford 15 Hull 12 Bradford   View
1958 Mar 29 Hull 28 Bradford 11 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1958

1958 Aug 23 Bradford 8 Hull 21 Bradford   View
1959 Jan 31 Hull 22 Bradford 7 Hull   View

Yorkshire Cup 1959

1959 Aug 29 Bradford 10 Hull 23 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1959

1960 Jan 30 Hull 16 Bradford 7 Hull   View
1960 Feb 6 Bradford 13 Hull 14 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1960

1961 Feb 18 Hull 24 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1961 Apr 1 Bradford 6 Hull 27 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1961

1962 Jan 6 Hull 30 Bradford 6 Hull   View
1962 Apr 21 Bradford 5 Hull 25 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1964

1964 Nov 7 Hull 8 Bradford 0 Hull   View
1965 Apr 19 Bradford 15 Hull 9 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1965

1966 Feb 12 Hull 5 Bradford 12 Hull   View
1966 Mar 9 Bradford 4 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1966

1966 Aug 23 Hull 7 Bradford 15 Hull   View
1966 Oct 29 Bradford 14 Hull 18 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1967

1967 Nov 4 Bradford 13 Hull 2 Bradford   View
1968 Feb 17 Hull 12 Bradford 2 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1968

1968 Oct 12 Bradford 9 Hull 14 Bradford   View
1969 Jan 10 Hull 20 Bradford 23 Hull   View

Northern Rugby League 1969

1970 Mar 1 Hull 19 Bradford 8 Hull   View
1970 15 Bradford 10 Hull 9 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1970

1970 Sep 13 Hull 31 Bradford 6 Hull   View
1971 Apr 17 Bradford 7 Hull 24 Bradford   View

Northern Rugby League 1972

1972 Oct 6 Hull 9 Bradford 7 Hull   View
1973 Apr 26 Bradford 51 Hull 18 Bradford   View

Second Division 1973

1974 Jan 20 Hull 11 Bradford 2 Hull   View
1974 Feb 10 Bradford 27 Hull 10 Bradford   View

Players No 6 Trophy 1976

1976 Nov 7 Hull 19 Bradford 5 Hull   View

First Division 1977

1977 Nov 23 Hull 4 Bradford 15 Hull   View
1978 Feb 5 Bradford 14 Hull 13 Bradford   View

Yorkshire Cup 1978

1978 Sep 13 Bradford 12 Hull 7 Bradford   View

John Player Trophy 1978

1978 Dec 3 Hull 12 Bradford 18 Hull   View

Challenge Cup 1978

1979 Mar 11 Bradford 8 Hull 8 Bradford   View
1979 14 Hull 4 Bradford 8 Hull   View

First Division 1979

1979 Oct 14 Hull 4 Bradford 6 Hull   View
1980 Feb 12 Bradford 12 Hull 5 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1979

1980 Mar 9 Bradford 0 Hull 3 Bradford   View

John Player Trophy 1980

1980 Nov 22 Hull 12 Bradford 0 J. McDonald Hull 10,854 View
T: S. Lloyd
C. Stone
T. Wilby
G: S. Lloyd
FG: R. Gaitley

Championship 1980

1981 Feb 8 Hull 10 Bradford 9 F. Lindop Hull 11,575 View
T: M. Crane
T. Skerrett
G: S. Lloyd (2)
T: G. Hale
G: K. Mumby (3)
1981 Apr 20 Bradford 38 Hull 18 J. Holdsworth Bradford 8,565 View
T: D. Trotter (3)
D. Parker (2)
D. Redfearn (2)
K. Mumby
G: K. Mumby (7)
T: B. Banks
T. Dean
G. Peacham
P. Prendiville
G: S. Dennison (3)

Championship 1981

1981 Nov 22 Hull 10 Bradford 13 R. Whitfield Hull 12,989 View
T: M. Crane
S. Lloyd
G: S. Lloyd (2)
T: J. Grayshon
T. Handforth
E. Hanley
G: E. Hanley (2)
1982 Feb 21 Bradford 14 Hull 8 R. Moore Bradford 8,869 View
T: G. Hale
G: D. Carroll (2)
E. Hanley (2)
FG: D. Carroll (2)
A. Redfearn
G: S. Lloyd (4)

Championship 1982

1982 Sep 19 Bradford 0 Hull 6 J. McDonald Bradford 7,658 View
T: S. Evans
G: L. Crooks
FG: M. Crane

Yorkshire Cup 1982

1982 Oct 2 Bradford 7 Hull 18 S. Wall Leeds 11,755 View
T: K. Whiteman
G: D. Carroll
FG: D. Carroll (2)
T: P. Rose (2)
S. Evans
P. Prendiville
G: L. Crooks (2)
FG: L. Crooks (2)

John Player Trophy 1982

1982 Dec 12 Bradford 12 Hull 12 R. Campbell Bradford 6,222 View
T: D. Jasiewicz
K. Whiteman
G: K. Mumby (3)
T: S. Evans
D. Topliss
G: L. Crooks (3)
1982 15 Hull 8 Bradford 10 R. Campbell Hull 7,628 View
T: D. O'Hara
D. Topliss
G: L. Crooks
T: K. Whiteman
G: K. Mumby (3)
FG: A. Rathbone

Championship 1982

1983 Jan 30 Hull 31 Bradford 8 G. Kershaw Hull 10,173 View
T: J. Leuluai (3)
B. Banks
L. Crooks
G. Kemble
P. Prendiville
G: L. Crooks (5)
T: D. Barends
R. Davies
G: E. Hanley

Championship 1983

1984 Jan 8 Hull 16 Bradford 8 M. Beaumont Hull 11,222 View
T: G. Schofield (2)
S. Evans
G: L. Crooks (2)
T: K. Mumby
G: S. Parrish (2)
1984 Apr 15 Bradford 10 Hull 29 F. Lindop Bradford 7,065 View
T: J. Grayshon
D. Jasiewicz
G: G. Sidebottom
T: F. Ah Kuoi
D. O'Hara
W. Proctor
P. Rose
G. Schofield
G: G. Schofield (4)
FG: G. Divorty

Premiership Trophy 1983

1984 29 Hull 42 Bradford 12 Hull 10,986 View
T: P. Edmonds (2)
G. Kemble (2)
G. Schofield (2)
S. Evans
S. Norton
D. O'Hara
G: G. Schofield (2)
G. Divorty
T: R. Davies
C. Preece
G: S. Parrish (2)

Championship 1984

1985 Apr 17 Hull 24 Bradford 18 J. McDonald Hull 7,071 View
T: J. Muggleton
P. Prendiville
P. Rose
S. Wainman
G: G. Schofield (4)
T: E. Hanley (3)
G: S. Parrish (3)
1985 23 Bradford 26 Hull 22 S. Wall Bradford 3,240 View
T: E. Hanley (3)
W. Heron
D. Redfearn
G: S. Parrish (2)
J. Crossley
T: S. Evans (2)
P. Edmonds
G: S. Evans (5)

Championship 1985

1985 Oct 27 Hull 28 Bradford 16 J. Kendrew Hull 7,442 View
T: G. Divorty
P. Eastwood
G. Gerard
B. Mallinson
J. Muggleton
G: L. Crooks (3)
G. Schofield
T: P. Ford
B. Kellaway
A. Lumby
G: D. Carroll (2)
1986 Jan 12 Bradford 18 Hull 8 C. Hodgson Bradford 3,568 View
T: H. Godfrey
A. Lumby
G: J. Woods (5)
T: G. Gerard
G: P. Prendiville (2)

Yorkshire Cup 1986

1986 Oct 1 Bradford 12 Hull 16 J. Holdsworth Bradford 4,727 View
T: S. Donlan (2)
G: J. Woods (2)
T: F. Ah Kuoi
C. McCoid
J. Sharp
G: L. Crooks (2)

Championship 1986

1986 14 Hull 27 Bradford 22 P. Haughton Hull 4,198 View
T: L. Crooks
B. Mallinson
D. O'Hara
G. Schofield
G: L. Crooks (5)
FG: K. Dick
T: P. Ford
M. Graham
R. Simpson
G: J. Woods (5)

John Player Special Trophy 1986

1986 Dec 13 Bradford 8 Hull 20 G. Berry Bradford 3,545 View
T: G. Brentley
G: J. Woods (2)
T: G. Schofield (3)
T. Lazenby
G: G. Pearce (2)

Championship 1986

1987 Mar 11 Bradford 20 Hull 20 K. Allatt Bradford 1,669 View
T: S. Donlan
K. Fairbank
G. Sidebottom
G: K. Mumby (4)
T: N. Elgar
G. Pearce
G. Schofield
S. Vass
G: G. Pearce (2)

Championship 1987

1987 Dec 27 Bradford 2 Hull 5 J. Kendrew Bradford 4,237 View
G: D. Hobbs
G: G. Pearce (2)
FG: G. Pearce
1988 Mar 6 Hull 0 Bradford 16 K. Allatt Hull 4,271 View
T: P. Ford
G. Mercer
K. Mumby
G: D. Hobbs (2)

Championship 1988

1988 Oct 9 Bradford 32 Hull 20 R. Tennant Bradford 3,574 View
T: E. Johnson (2)
S. McGowan (2)
B. Noble
R. Stewart
G: D. Hobbs (4)
T: R. Price (2)
C. Coleman
G: P. Eastwood (4)
1989 Jan 8 Hull 28 Bradford 10 J. Kendrew Hull 6,628 View
T: B. Blacker
D. Moon
G. Pearce
R. Price
T. Wilby
G: G. Pearce (4)
T: S. McGowan
R. Stewart
G: D. Hobbs

Championship 1989

1989 Sep 3 Bradford 30 Hull 12 R. Tennant Bradford 6,458 View
T: P. Medley (2)
G. Cordle
P. Harkin
G. Mackay
G: D. Hobbs (5)
T: S. McNamara
G: P. Eastwood (4)
1990 Feb 28 Hull 24 Bradford 0 R. Campbell Hull 3,976 View
T: M. Charles
R. Gay
N. Turner
R. Walker
G: P. Eastwood (4)

Championship 1990

1991 Jan 20 Hull 34 Bradford 6 A. Burke Hull 6,443 View
T: A. Dannatt (2)
P. Eastwood
R. Gay
D. McGarry
R. Walker
G: P. Eastwood (5)
T: J. Hamer
G: P. Hellewell
1991 Apr 7 Bradford 28 Hull 16 R. Tennant Bradford 4,949 View
T: K. Fairbank (2)
B. Iti (2)
P. Medley
G: H. Gumbs (4)
T: D. McGarry
S. McNamara
G: P. Eastwood (4)

Championship 1991

1991 Oct 23 Hull 40 Bradford 14 P. Crashley Hull 4,629 View
T: J. Sharp (3)
P. Eastwood (2)
R. Gay
G. Mackey
G: P. Eastwood (6)
T: T. Anderson
T. Marchant
D. Shelford
G: D. Hobbs
1992 Jan 7 Bradford 10 Hull 14 R. Smith Bradford 3,465 View
T: K. Fairbank
D. Shelford
G: D. Hobbs
T: D. Ronson
N. Turner
G: I. Stevens (3)

Championship 1992

1992 Aug 30 Hull 24 Bradford 14 S. Cummings Hull 5,312 View
T: A. Dannatt
P. Harrison
J. Sharp
G: P. Eastwood (6)
T: B. Kebbie (2)
G: D. Hobbs (3)
1993 Feb 4 Bradford 30 Hull 14 R. Smith Bradford 3,310 View
T: T. Anderson
D. Heron
N. Summers
D. Turpin
D. Watson
G: D. Hobbs (5)
T: S. Gale
J. Grant
G: P. Eastwood (3)

Championship 1993

1994 Jan 5 Hull 20 Bradford 4 R. Whitfield Hull 3,580 View
T: G. Nolan (2)
R. Gay
T. Jackson
G: P. Eastwood (2)
T: P. Newlove
1994 Apr 4 Bradford 30 Hull 32 R. Connolly Bradford 4,647 View
T: G. Cordle (4)
C. Hall (2)
T. Clark
G: D. Fox
T: R. Gay (2)
J. Grant
G. Nolan
P. Sterling
R. Wilson
G: P. Eastwood (4)

Championship 1994

1994 Oct 2 Hull 6 Bradford 12 S. Cummings Hull 5,375 View
T: P. Sterling
FG: T. Smirk (2)
T: N. Summers
D. Watson
G: D. Fox (2)
1995 Feb 19 Bradford 42 Hull 24 A. Bates Bradford 3,561 View
T: C. Hall (3)
G. Christie (2)
J. Hamer
D. Myers
R. Simpson
G: D. Fox (5)
T: T. Jackson (2)
C. Kitching
G. Rose
G: M. Hewitt (4)

200 games
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