Head to Head - London Broncos vs. Prescot Panthers


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 56 points London 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
2. 52 points London 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
3. 45 points Fulham 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
4. 42 points Fulham 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
5. 39 points Fulham 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
6. 38 points London 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
7. 24 points Fulham 26/02/1989 - Fulham 28 - Runcorn 4
8. 22 points London 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
9. 21 points Fulham 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
10. 18 points Runcorn 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 62 points London 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
2. 58 points London 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
3. 50 points Fulham 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
4. 44 points Fulham 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
5. 42 points London 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
6. 41 points Fulham 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
7. 30 points London 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
8. 28 points Fulham 26/02/1989 - Fulham 28 - Runcorn 4
9. 26 points Runcorn 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8
10. 25 points Fulham 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 12 tries Fulham 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
12 tries London 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
3. 10 tries London 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
4. 9 tries Fulham 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
9 tries Fulham 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
6. 8 tries London 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
7. 6 tries Fulham 26/02/1989 - Fulham 28 - Runcorn 4
6 tries London 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
9. 5 tries Fulham 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
5 tries Fulham 15/03/1981 - Huyton 3 - Fulham 19
5 tries Fulham 21/10/1990 - Runcorn 12 - Fulham 22

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 goals London 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
2. 7 goals Fulham 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
7 goals Fulham 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
7 goals London 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
5. 5 goals Fulham 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
5 goals Runcorn 30/09/1984 - Runcorn 22 - Fulham 16
5 goals Runcorn 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8
5 goals Fulham 08/03/1987 - Fulham 19 - Runcorn 2
5 goals London 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
10. 4 goals Fulham 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
4 goals Runcorn 30/10/1988 - Runcorn 20 - Fulham 12
4 goals Fulham 14/04/1991 - Fulham 24 - Runcorn 14

Most field goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 field goals Fulham 30/10/1988 - Runcorn 20 - Fulham 12

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 22 points John Gallagher (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
2. 17 points Steve Diamond (Fulham) 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
3. 16 points Mark Riley (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
16 points Mark Johnson (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
5. 14 points Steve Diamond (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
14 points John Gallagher (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
7. 12 points Chris Middlehurst (Runcorn) 30/10/1988 - Runcorn 20 - Fulham 12
12 points Shaun Mohr (Fulham) 21/10/1990 - Runcorn 12 - Fulham 22
12 points Sam Stewart (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
10. 10 points David Eckersley (Fulham) 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
10 points Peter Wood (Runcorn) 30/09/1984 - Runcorn 22 - Fulham 16
10 points Norman Barrow (Fulham) 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
10 points Mark Shaw (Runcorn) 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8
10 points Colin Fenn (Fulham) 08/03/1987 - Fulham 19 - Runcorn 2
10 points Terry Rose (Runcorn) 06/09/1987 - Runcorn 23 - Fulham 16
10 points Steve Guyett (Fulham) 10/01/1988 - Fulham 22 - Runcorn 20
10 points Craig Green (London) 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
10 points John Gallagher (London) 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 tries Mark Riley (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
4 tries Mark Johnson (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
3. 3 tries Hussein M'Barki (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
3 tries Shaun Mohr (Fulham) 21/10/1990 - Runcorn 12 - Fulham 22
3 tries Sam Stewart (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
6. 2 tries Ian Van bellen (Fulham) 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
2 tries Sean Hoare (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
2 tries Peter Souto (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
2 tries Steve Bayliss (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
2 tries Sean Hoare (Fulham) 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
2 tries Ian Smith (Runcorn) 30/09/1984 - Runcorn 22 - Fulham 16
2 tries David Driver (Fulham) 30/09/1984 - Runcorn 22 - Fulham 16
2 tries Ian Smith (Runcorn) 24/03/1985 - Fulham 17 - Runcorn 16
2 tries Glen Nissen (Fulham) 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
2 tries David Bullough (Fulham) 22/12/1985 - Fulham 44 - Runcorn 2
2 tries Jim Ball (Runcorn) 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8
2 tries Geoff Dean (Runcorn) 06/09/1987 - Runcorn 23 - Fulham 16
2 tries Andrew Mighty (Fulham) 26/02/1989 - Fulham 28 - Runcorn 4
2 tries Abi Ekoku (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
2 tries Leo Dynevor (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
2 tries Victor Timms (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
2 tries Abi Ekoku (London) 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
2 tries Mark Riley (London) 18/09/1994 - Highfield 8 - London 30
2 tries Mark Johnson (London) 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
2 tries Dave Rotheram (London) 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 goals John Gallagher (London) 01/04/1994 - Highfield 6 - London 58
2. 7 goals Steve Diamond (Fulham) 05/12/1982 - Huyton 5 - Fulham 50
7 goals Steve Diamond (Fulham) 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2
7 goals John Gallagher (London) 17/10/1993 - London 62 - Highfield 6
5. 5 goals David Eckersley (Fulham) 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4
5 goals Peter Wood (Runcorn) 30/09/1984 - Runcorn 22 - Fulham 16
5 goals Mark Shaw (Runcorn) 16/04/1986 - Runcorn 26 - Fulham 8
5 goals Colin Fenn (Fulham) 08/03/1987 - Fulham 19 - Runcorn 2
5 goals John Gallagher (London) 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
10. 4 goals Chris Middlehurst (Runcorn) 30/10/1988 - Runcorn 20 - Fulham 12
4 goals Greg Pearce (Fulham) 14/04/1991 - Fulham 24 - Runcorn 14

Longest Streaks

Longest winning streak

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 7 games Fulham 26/02/1989 - Fulham 28 - Runcorn 4 to 29/01/1995 - London 42 - Highfield 4
2. 4 games Fulham 25/01/1981 - Fulham 25 - Huyton 4 to 16/01/1983 - Fulham 41 - Huyton 2