Eskdale Park


IMPORTANT NOTE: These records are calculated based only on the data available in the Rugby League Project database. They are not official or necessarily complete figures and should be used as a guide only.

All Time

Most tries by a player in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Tries Holder Matches
1. 5 Billy Boston List
2. 4 Eric Ashton List
3. 3 Arnold Green List
3 Alan Walkinshaw List
3 Dick Huddart List
3 Frank Carlton List
3 Samisoni Walai List
3 Luke Polselli List

Most goals by a player in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Goals Holder Matches
1. 12 Laurie Gilfedder List
2. 6 David Watkins List
6 John Woods List
4. 5 Noa Nadruku List
5 Josh Rogers List
6. 4 Des White List
4 S Neave List
4 Henry Tatana List
4 Jamal Fogarty List
10. 3 Noel Cavanagh List
3 Bob McCrae List

Most points by a player in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Points Holder Matches
1. 27 Laurie Gilfedder List
2. 15 Billy Boston List
3. 14 Josh Rogers List
4. 12 Eric Ashton List
12 David Watkins List
12 John Woods List
12 Samisoni Walai List
12 Luke Polselli List
9. 11 Henry Tatana List
10. 10 Noa Nadruku List

Biggest crowds in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Home team When
1. 4,376 Wide Bay 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 3,200 Wide Bay 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
3. 2,969 Wide Bay 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
4. 1,326 Wide Bay 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29

Smallest crowds in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Home team When
1. 1,326 Wide Bay 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
2. 2,969 Wide Bay 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
3. 3,200 Wide Bay 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
4. 4,376 Wide Bay 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84

Team Records - Season

Most points scored by a team in a season in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 84 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1962
2. 34 points Fiji Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992
3. 30 points Wynnum-Manly 2023 Hostplus Cup
4. 29 points New Zealand Kiwis Tour 1956
5. 28 points Sunshine Coast 2023 Hostplus Cup
6. 27 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1979
7. 24 points Burleigh 2018 Intrust Super Cup
24 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1974
9. 20 points Wide Bay Lions Tour 1962
10. 18 points Wide Bay Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992

Most tries by a team in a season in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 20 tries Great Britain Lions Tour 1962
2. 7 tries New Zealand Kiwis Tour 1956
3. 6 tries Fiji Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992
4. 5 tries Wynnum-Manly 2023 Hostplus Cup
5 tries Sunshine Coast 2023 Hostplus Cup
5 tries Great Britain Lions Tour 1979
7. 4 tries Wide Bay Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992
4 tries Wide Bay Lions Tour 1962
4 tries Burleigh 2018 Intrust Super Cup
4 tries Great Britain Lions Tour 1974

Most goals by a team in a season in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 12 goals Great Britain Lions Tour 1962
2. 6 goals Great Britain Lions Tour 1974
6 goals Great Britain Lions Tour 1979
4. 5 goals Wynnum-Manly 2023 Hostplus Cup
5 goals Fiji Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992
6. 4 goals New Zealand Kiwis Tour 1956
4 goals Sunshine Coast 2023 Hostplus Cup
4 goals Burleigh 2018 Intrust Super Cup
4 goals Wide Bay Lions Tour 1962
10. 3 goals Wide Bay Lions Tour 1974
3 goals Wide Bay AMCO Cup 1978

Most points conceded by a team in a season in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 84 points Wide Bay Lions Tour 1962
2. 34 points Wide Bay Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992
3. 30 points Sunshine Coast 2023 Hostplus Cup
4. 29 points Wide Bay Kiwis Tour 1956
5. 28 points Wynnum-Manly 2023 Hostplus Cup
6. 27 points Wide Bay Lions Tour 1979
7. 24 points Wide Bay Lions Tour 1974
24 points Central QLD 2018 Intrust Super Cup
9. 20 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1962
10. 18 points Fiji Fiji Tour of Queensland 1992

Team Records - Season - Attack/Defense Ratings

The numbers shown in these records reflect the average number of points scored in the corresponding competition. A value of 100% represents the average number of points.

Individual Records - Season

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 64 points Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 24 points New Zealand 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
3. 20 points Great Britain 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
4. 16 points Fiji 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
5. 12 points Great Britain 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
6. 10 points Burleigh 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14
7. 9 points Wide Bay 05/04/1978 - Wide Bay 12 - Central QLD 3
8. 4 points Northern Zone (NZ) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
9. 2 points Wynnum-Manly 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30

Most points by a team in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 84 points Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 34 points Fiji 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
3. 30 points Wynnum-Manly 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
4. 29 points New Zealand 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
5. 27 points Great Britain 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
6. 24 points Great Britain 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
24 points Burleigh 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14
8. 20 points Northern Zone (NZ) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
9. 12 points Wide Bay 05/04/1978 - Wide Bay 12 - Central QLD 3

Most tries by a team in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 20 tries Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 7 tries New Zealand 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
3. 6 tries Fiji 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
4. 5 tries Great Britain 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
5 tries Sunshine Coast 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
5 tries Wynnum-Manly 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
7. 4 tries Wide Bay 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
4 tries Wide Bay 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
4 tries Northern Zone (NZ) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
4 tries Great Britain 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
4 tries Wide Bay 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
4 tries Burleigh 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14

Most goals by a team in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 12 goals Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 6 goals Great Britain 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
6 goals Great Britain 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
4. 5 goals Fiji 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
5 goals Wynnum-Manly 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
6. 4 goals New Zealand 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
4 goals Wide Bay 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
4 goals Northern Zone (NZ) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
4 goals Burleigh 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14
4 goals Sunshine Coast 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30

Individual Records - Match

Most points by a player in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 27 points Laurie Gilfedder (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 15 points Billy Boston (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
3. 14 points Josh Rogers (Wynnum-Manly) 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
4. 12 points Eric Ashton (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
12 points David Watkins (Great Britain) 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
12 points John Woods (Great Britain) 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
12 points Samisoni Walai (Fiji) 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
12 points Luke Polselli (Sunshine Coast) 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
9. 11 points Henry Tatana (Northern Zone (NZ)) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
10. 10 points Noa Nadruku (Fiji) 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34

Most tries by a player in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 5 tries Billy Boston (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 4 tries Eric Ashton (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
3. 3 tries Arnold Green (New Zealand) 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
3 tries Dick Huddart (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
3 tries Frank Carlton (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
3 tries Samisoni Walai (Fiji) 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
3 tries Luke Polselli (Sunshine Coast) 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
8. 2 tries John Bond (New Zealand) 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
2 tries Alan Walkinshaw (Wide Bay) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2 tries Gary Cooper (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2 tries Wayne White (Northern Zone (NZ)) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
2 tries David Redfearn (Great Britain) 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
2 tries Steve Evans (Great Britain) 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
2 tries Sami Sauiluma (Burleigh) 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14
2 tries Josh Simm (Wynnum-Manly) 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30

Most goals by a player in a match in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 12 goals Laurie Gilfedder (Great Britain) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
2. 6 goals David Watkins (Great Britain) 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
6 goals John Woods (Great Britain) 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27
4. 5 goals Noa Nadruku (Fiji) 02/09/1992 - Wide Bay 18 - Fiji 34
5 goals Josh Rogers (Wynnum-Manly) 29/07/2023 - Sunshine Coast 28 - Wynnum-Manly 30
6. 4 goals Des White (New Zealand) 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29
4 goals S Neave (Wide Bay) 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84
4 goals Henry Tatana (Northern Zone (NZ)) 13/06/1968 - Wide Bay 16 - Northern Zone (NZ) 20
4 goals Jamal Fogarty (Burleigh) 21/07/2018 - Burleigh 24 - Central QLD 14
10. 3 goals Noel Cavanagh (Wide Bay) 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24
3 goals Bob McCrae (Wide Bay) 05/04/1978 - Wide Bay 12 - Central QLD 3

Longest Streaks

Longest undefeated streak in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 games Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84 to 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27

Longest winning streak in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 3 games Great Britain 01/07/1962 - Wide Bay 20 - Great Britain 84 to 30/05/1979 - Wide Bay 7 - Great Britain 27

Longest unsuccessful streak in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 games Wide Bay 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29 to 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24

Longest losing streak in games at Eskdale Park

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 games Wide Bay 24/06/1956 - Wide Bay 5 - New Zealand 29 to 04/06/1974 - Wide Bay 12 - Great Britain 24