Head to Head - Penrith Panthers vs. South Queensland Crushers


Records are listed until at least the top 10 highest are shown. This is why records with many instances of the same amount will stop at unusual ranking numbers.

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 22 points Penrith 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2. 20 points South Queensland 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
3. 18 points Penrith 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4. 4 points South Queensland 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 34 points Penrith 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2. 28 points South Queensland 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
3. 22 points Penrith 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4. 20 points South Queensland 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 7 tries Penrith 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2. 4 tries South Queensland 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
4 tries Penrith 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4. 3 tries South Queensland 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
3 tries Penrith 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
6. 2 tries South Queensland 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2 tries Penrith 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8

Most goals scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals South Queensland 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
2. 4 goals South Queensland 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
3. 3 goals Penrith 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
3 goals Penrith 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
5. 2 goals South Queensland 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2 goals Penrith 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Individual Records - Match

Most points scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 16 points Tony Kemp (South Queensland) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
2. 12 points Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
3. 10 points Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4. 8 points David Krause (South Queensland) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
8 points Robbie Beckett (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
6. 6 points Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
6 points Travis Norton (South Queensland) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
8. 4 points Darren Brown (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points St John Ellis (South Queensland) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Carl MacNamara (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Trevor Gillmeister (South Queensland) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Jody Gall (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Marty Moore (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Glen Liddiard (South Queensland) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Steve Carter (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Phil Adamson (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
4 points Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
4 points Matt Sing (Penrith) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
4 points Craig Weston (South Queensland) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
4 points Bobby Thompson (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4 points Steve Carter (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4 points David Krause (South Queensland) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
4 points Phil Adamson (Penrith) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
4 points Rod Doyle (South Queensland) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
4 points Kerry Carmichael (South Queensland) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
4 points Jason Wendt (South Queensland) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Most tries scored in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 tries David Krause (South Queensland) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
2 tries Robbie Beckett (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
2 tries Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Most goals kicked in a match

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals Tony Kemp (South Queensland) 25/06/1995 - South Queensland 28 - Penrith 8
2. 3 goals Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
3 goals Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 07/04/1996 - South Queensland 4 - Penrith 22
3 goals Travis Norton (South Queensland) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20
5. 2 goals St John Ellis (South Queensland) 26/03/1995 - Penrith 34 - South Queensland 12
2 goals Ryan Girdler (Penrith) 30/06/1996 - Penrith 16 - South Queensland 20

Longest Streaks