Mark Scobie

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Opposite Numbers

This page shows a list of all players this player directly opposed (ie, same position in the same game), as well as a link to all games in question. Please keep in mind it does not include bench appearances.


Opposition Player Games W L D  
GIRARDET, Laurent 1 1 - - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
ALLSOPP, Gary 1 1 - - List
ANDERSON, Chris 1 1 - - List
BOWLER, Steve 1 1 - - List
CHAMBERLIN, Dave 1 - 1 - List
CHAPMAN, John 1 1 - - List
EDMONDS, Steve 1 - 1 - List
MILLS, Paul 1 1 - - List
MULLINS, Bill 1 - 1 - List
MURPHY, Terry 1 1 - - List
O'HARA, Dane 1 1 - - List
PICKETT, Bruce 1 - 1 - List
REEVE, Brian 1 1 - - List
ROBERTSON, Brian 1 1 - - List
ROGERS, Don 1 1 - - List
SCARR, Trevor 1 1 - - List
WALLER, Chris 1 1 - - List
WHITE, Steve 1 1 - - List
WINTER, Warren 1 1 - - List


Opposition Player Games W L D  
ARNOLD, Terry 1 - 1 - List
BEVAN, John 1 - 1 - List
BRANIGHAN, Ray 1 - 1 - List
BRASS, John 1 - 1 - List
FULTON, Bob 1 - 1 - List
GIGG, Ross 1 1 - - List
HUGHES, Mark 1 - 1 - List
LOWTHER, Bernie 1 1 - - List
McMAHON, Allan 1 - 1 - List
PRATTL, Olaf 1 - 1 - List
QUINN, Terry 1 1 - - List
RYAN, Mick 1 - 1 - List
RYAN, Trevor 1 - 1 - List
SCHUBERT, Ian 1 - 1 - List
SMITH, Alan 1 - 1 - List
WILLICOMBE, David 1 - 1 - List
WILSON, John 1 - 1 - List
WITHERS, Jeff 1 1 - - List